
Laurel Berry Oil Recipes

Laurel Berry Oil Recipes

Laurel berry oil, also known as bay laurel oil or simply laurel oil, is a versatile and beneficial fruit oil that has been cherished for centuries. Its numerous applications, especially in soap making and skincare, make it a sought-after ingredient among soap artisans, companies, and individuals interested in buying laurel berry oil at wholesale prices. This blog will delve into various recipes and uses of laurel berry oil, highlighting its benefits and offering insights into its wholesale availability.

Understanding Laurel Berry Oil

Laurel berry oil is extracted from the berries of the Laurus nobilis, commonly known as the bay laurel tree. This fatty oil is obtained through traditional methods and is renowned for its potent aroma and numerous therapeutic properties. It has been traditionally used in Turkey and other Mediterranean regions for its skin benefits and medicinal properties.

Laurel Berry Oil for Skincare

1. Laurel Berry Oil for Skin:

Laurel berry oil is highly beneficial for the skin. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, making it ideal for treating various skin conditions. To use laurel berry oil for skin, mix a few drops with a carrier oil like jojoba or almond oil and apply it to the affected area. This blend can help soothe irritation, reduce redness, and promote healthy skin.

2. Laurel Berry Oil for Face:

For facial care, laurel berry oil can be an excellent addition to your skincare routine. It helps to balance oily skin, cleanse pores, and reduce acne. Create a facial serum by combining laurel berry oil with rosehip oil and a few drops of lavender essential oil. Apply this serum before bedtime to wake up with refreshed and rejuvenated skin.

3. Laurel Berry Oil Skin Benefits:

The benefits of laurel berry oil extend beyond treating skin conditions. It also aids in reducing the appearance of scars and wrinkles, thanks to its regenerative properties. Regular use can lead to smoother, clearer, and more youthful-looking skin.

Laurel Berry Oil in Soap Making

Laurel berry oil is a popular ingredient in soap making, particularly in crafting traditional laurel oil soap. This type of soap is celebrated for its deep cleansing and moisturizing properties.

1. Laurel Berry Oil Soap Recipe:

To make laurel berry oil soap, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 300 grams of olive oil
  • 100 grams of coconut oil
  • 100 grams of laurel berry oil
  • 60 grams of lye
  • 180 grams of water


  1. Carefully dissolve the lye in water and let it cool.
  2. Mix the olive oil, coconut oil, and laurel berry oil in a separate container.
  3. Once the lye solution has cooled, slowly add it to the oil mixture, stirring continuously.
  4. Blend the mixture until it reaches a trace (a thick, pudding-like consistency).
  5. Pour the mixture into soap molds and let it cure for 4-6 weeks before use.

This soap will not only cleanse your skin but also provide the numerous skin benefits associated with laurel berry oil.

2. Aleppo Soap Recipe:

Aleppo soap, a traditional soap from the city of Aleppo in Syria, is renowned for its simplicity and effectiveness. It uses only laurel berry oil, olive oil, and lye water.


  • 800 grams of olive oil
  • 200 grams of laurel berry oil
  • 120 grams of lye
  • 300 grams of water


  1. Dissolve the lye in water and let it cool to room temperature.
  2. In a separate container, mix the olive oil and laurel berry oil.
  3. Slowly add the lye solution to the oil mixture, stirring continuously until it reaches trace.
  4. Pour the mixture into molds and cover with a towel or blanket to retain heat.
  5. Allow the soap to saponify for 24 hours, then remove from the molds.
  6. Let the soap cure for 6-9 months. The longer curing time enhances the soap’s hardness and quality.

This traditional Aleppo soap is gentle, moisturizing, and perfect for all skin types.

3. Bulk and Wholesale Availability:

For soap makers and companies looking to purchase laurel berry oil in bulk, it’s important to source high-quality oil. Laurel berry oil from Turkey is particularly renowned for its purity and potency. Buying laurel berry oil wholesale can be cost-effective and ensure a consistent supply for large-scale production.

Additional Uses and Benefits

1. How to Make Laurel Berry Oil:

If you’re interested in making laurel berry oil at home, you’ll need fresh laurel berries and a carrier oil. Here’s a simple method:

  1. Crush the laurel berries to release their oils.
  2. Place the crushed berries in a jar and cover them with your chosen carrier oil (olive oil works well).
  3. Seal the jar and let it sit in a warm place for a few weeks, shaking it occasionally.
  4. Strain the oil to remove the berry remnants, and store it in a dark glass bottle.

2. Laurel Berry Carrier Oil:

Laurel berry oil can also be used as a carrier oil, providing a base for essential oils in various aromatherapy applications. Its strong, woody aroma complements many essential oils, enhancing their therapeutic effects.

3. Laurel Berry Oil Benefits:

Beyond skincare, laurel berry oil has numerous other benefits. It can be used to relieve muscle pain, improve respiratory health, and even as a natural insect repellent.


Laurel berry oil is a multifaceted ingredient with a rich history and numerous applications. Whether you’re a soap artisan, a skincare enthusiast, or a company looking to purchase laurel berry oil in bulk, its benefits and versatility are unmatched. By incorporating laurel berry oil into your products, you can offer consumers natural and effective solutions for their skin and health needs.

For those interested in buying laurel berry oil wholesale, ensure you choose a reputable supplier, particularly those offering high-quality oil from Turkey. With the right ingredients and recipes, laurel berry oil can elevate your soap and skincare products, providing exceptional benefits to your customers.

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