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Bay leaf oil is steam distilled from fresh leaves – high alpha cineole content

Part used: Laurel leaves, bay leaf
Country of origin: Turkey
Inci name: Laurus nobilis
CAS # 8006-78-8
Production Method: Steam Distilled

Bay Leaf Essential Oil Description:

Bay leaf essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the bay laurel tree (Laurus nobilis), known for its fragrant and aromatic properties. This oil is renowned for its warm, spicy, and slightly herbal aroma, making it popular in aromatherapy and natural wellness practices. It contains powerful compounds such as cineole, eugenol, and myrcene, which offer numerous health benefits.

Key Benefits:

  • Respiratory Health: Known to support clear breathing and respiratory function when diffused or inhaled.
  • Muscle Relaxation: Often used in massage blends to ease tension in muscles and joints.
  • Digestive Support: Historically used to alleviate digestive discomfort and promote a healthy digestive system.
  • Mental Clarity: Helps in uplifting the mind, promoting focus, and relieving stress when used in aromatherapy.


  • Aromatherapy: Add a few drops to a diffuser to create a calming, clear atmosphere.
  • Massage Oil: Dilute with a carrier oil and use for soothing sore muscles.
  • Topical Use: Apply diluted oil to the skin to promote skin health and reduce inflammation.

This pure and natural bay leaf essential oil is a versatile addition to your wellness routine, bringing both health benefits and a refreshing, herbal fragrance

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